e-flo has rebranded to Webi CMS

Still the same great content management system, all we've done is change the name and redesign the public website.
I say that's all - the new website looks great! It's also built using HTML5 and CSS3, which we have learned a great deal about in building the Webi CMS website. The main benefits of these new technologies are that everything on the page is much more semantically structured - what that means in layman terms is that it provides more information to things like search engines about the structure and meaning of the website content.
Completely unrelated to this redesign and renaming, we've also been making lots of other improvements to the system over the last month or two and some of these upgrades are starting to make their way into existing client websites. Do get in touch to find out more about what we've been doing, or otherwise we will be blogging about some of these upgrades in the next couple of months.