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How to add Google Analytics to your website using Webi CMS admin system

Below are some instructions on adding Google analytics into your website using Webi CMS – this is important to setup so you can track the analytics of the site from launch going forwards.

  1. Go to http://www.google.co.uk/analytics/ and select ‘sign up now’.

  2. Follow the onscreen instructions until you get to the point of being given some code.

  3. Create a new folder on your system and copy and paste the whole code into a Word doc or plain text file and save the file naming it appropriately i.e 'Website name Google analytics' or something along those lines.

  4. Then when viewing the code you need to find a 'Google Analytics ID' which will which will look something like the following UA-6613973-4 (which is the Google Analytics ID for Webi CMS website).

  5. Then Login to Webi CMS admin system and then in the top right there is a menu called ‘Settings’ hover over this and then click on ‘General settings’.

  6. Once on the General settings page scroll down and you will notice there is a field called ‘Google Analytics ID:‘ here you will need to paste in your Google analytics ID which will look similar to this UA-6613973-4

  7. Then between 24-48hours later if you login to your Google analytics account you should see the analytics for yur website.

  8. In addition if you then enter your Google analytics Username and password onto the Analytics fields on the CMS dashboard page, you can also then see a brief overview of the Google Analytics stats here too everytime you login (which should hopefully be at least once a week if you are interested in adding regular content to boost your SEO performance - see recent blog we have written!).

 Hope you have found this guide useful, please let us know if you get stuck or have any questions on anything.